Overview | - This division is for females with athletic physique’s that showcase more body mass in the hips, glutes and thigh areas. The upper body is developed but not to the same degree as the lower body.
Criterion | - Balance and Shape
- Overall physical appearance including complexion, skin tone, poise and overall presentation.
- We are looking for conditioning almost on par with Bikini athletes, but the athletes will have slightly more muscle. We want to see a little body fat with slight separation but no striations.
- Slightly more developed than Bikini and a little less than Figure, but not as lean and with no striations. Not like Women’s Physique.
Posing | - Quarter turn(Front→Right→Rear→Right)
- Front:Competitors will face front with one hand on hip, one arm straight down and one leg slightly extended. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards.
- Quarter turn Right: Competitors will turn slightly facing the judges with right hand on hip and left arm straight down and right leg bent at knee. More like a twisting side pose that Bikini competitors perform. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards.
- Quarter turn Rear: Competitors will face the rear with lower back arched with glutes pushed back. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards.
- Quarter turn Right: Competitors will turn slightly facing the judges with the left hand on the hip, right arm relaxed and left leg bent at knee. We do not want to see the arm off to side with the elbow bent and the wrist bent upwards.
- Model Walk: As it is currently performed in the Bikini Division. Listen to instructions from the Head Judge.
Costume | - Competitors compete in a two-piece suit. The bottom of the suit must be v-shaped. Thongs are prohibited. Competitors can compete in an off-the-rack suit. All suits must meet acceptable standards of taste and decency.
- Competitors must wear high heels.
- Competitors may wear jewelry.
- You will not be scored any differently if you choose to compete in this suit bottom.
- All swimsuits must be in good taste.
Coloring | - Only FWJ official coloring is OK.
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