Fitness World Japan

Olympia Amateur 2019 - Tokyo

IFBB Professional League × NPCJ
Olympia Amateur Japan 2019

11月16日 [ 土 ] 17日 [ 日 ]
open:10:00 a.m.
start:10:30 a.m.
選手集合 9:00 a.m.(予定)







Backstage passes must be purchased at the same time as player registration. (25,000 yen/per ticket) *A maximum of 2 passes per player may be purchased. Supporters must purchase tickets in advance. Tickets for supporters


Olympia Amateur・Pro qualifier の出場登録は、登録完了時に送られてくる自動返信メールをもって出場登録完了となります。FWJカード内には表示されません。
This registration confirmation cannot be done within the FWJ Card. You will only receive an auto-reply email when you register to compete.

  • 11/16-17タイムテーブル/Timetable
  • 前売り観戦チケット販売は終了致しました。
  • 選手受付(チェックイン)は、会場ベルサール渋谷ガーデン1Fにて全て11月15日(金)15:00~20:00 に行います。(16日・17日の受付は行いません)
  • 11月15日には、Japan Pro に出場する IFBB Pro が一堂に集結する「MEET THE JAPAN PRO」19:00~20:00 開催。選手の方は無料入場頂けます。
  • バックステージパスは15日選手受付時にご購入ください。(10,000円/枚)別途サポートの方は観戦チケットを事前ご購入ください。サポートの方は同席せず選手のみでOKです。(サポートの方の名前等は必要となります)
  • こちらのコンテストは、NPCJカード情報には反映されません。
  • Olympia Amateur Japan に出場するには出場条件があります。
    IFBB Pro League Pro Qualifier Rules
  • ノービス&マスターズカテゴリーのみ出場条件はありません(リージョナルに出場していない選手でも出場は可となります)
  • 18 Pro Cards:各カテゴリー オーバーオール TOP3IFBB Pro Card 発行。
  • ※ご購入後のバックステージパス、観戦チケットはキャンセル、返金、返品は出来ません。
開催日時 11月16日 [ 土 ] 17日 [ 日 ]
Open 10:00 a.m.
Start 10:30 a.m.
Athlete Meeting 9:00 a.m.(予定)
会場 ベルサール渋谷ガーデン
東京都渋谷区南平台町16-17 Map



コンテスト区分 Olympia Amateur
  • 日本在住、在日の方は、2019年 Regional Show(NPCJコンテスト) に出場していること(Regional Show での成績は不問。※5月18日開催の Hidetada Yamagishi, Iris Kyle Japan Classic は、Regional Show ではありません。)


選手受付は、全て11月15日(金)15:00~20:00 に行います(16日・17日の受付は行いません)


Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to and including 5'2”(less then 157cm)
Open Class B Over 5'2” and up to and including 5'4”(less then 163cm)
Open Class C Over 5'4” and up to and including 5'6”(less then 168cm)
Open Class D Over 5'6”(over 168cm)
Men's Physique
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to & including 5'7”(less then 170cm)
Open Class B Over 5'7” and up to and including 5'8”(less then 173cm)
Open Class C Over 5'8” and up to and including 5'9”(less then 175cm)
Open Class D Over 5'9” and up to and including 5'11”(less then 180cm)
Open Class E Over 5'11” and up to and including 6'(less then 183cm)
Open Class F Over 6'(over 183cm)
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Bantamweight up to and including 154 ¼ lbs(70kg)
Open Lightweight over 154 ¼ lbs(70kg) up to and including 176 ¼ lbs(less then 80kg)
Open Light-Heavyweight over 176 ¼ lbs(80kg) up to and including 198 ¼ lbs(less then 90kg)
Open Heavyweight over 198 ¼ lbs(over 90kg)


Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to and including 5'2”(less then 157cm)
Open Class B Over 5'2” and up to and including 5'4”(less then 163cm)
Open Class C Over 5'4” and up to and including 5'6”(less then 168cm)
Open Class D Over 5'6”(over then 168cm)
Women's Physique
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to & including 5'2"(less then 157cm)
Open Class B Over 5'2" and up to and including 5'4"(less then 163cm)
Open Class C Over 5'4" and up to and including 5'6"(less then 168cm)
Open Class D Over 5'6"(over then 168cm)
Classic Physique
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A
  1. Up to and including 5'4"(163cm) - Up to and including 160 lbs(less then 73kg)
  2. Over 5'4", up to and including 5'5"(165cm) - Up to and including 165 lbs(less then 75kg)
  3. Over 5'5", up to and including 5'6"(168cm) - Up to and including 170 lbs(less then 77kg)
  4. Over 5'6", up to and including 5'7"(170cm) - Up to and including 175 lbs(less then 79kg)
Open Class B
  1. Over 5'7", up to and including 5'8"(173cm) - Up to and including 182 lbs(less then 83kg)
  2. Over 5'8", up to and including 5'9"(175cm) - Up to and including 190 lbs(less then 86kg)
  3. Over 5'9", up to and including 5'10"(178cm) - Up to and including 197 lbs(less then 89kg)
Open Class C
  1. Over 5'10", up to and including 5'11"(180cm) - Up to and including 205 lbs(less then 93kg)
  2. Over 5'11", up to and including 6'0"(183cm) - Up to and including 212 lbs(less then 96kg)
Open Class D
  1. Over 6'0", up to and including 6'1"(185cm) - Up to and including 220 lbs(less then 100kg)
  2. Over 6'1", up to and including 6'2"(188cm) - Up to and including 230 lbs(less then 104kg)
  3. Over 6'2", up to and including 6'3"(191cm) - Up to and including 237 lbs(less then 108kg)
  4. Over 6'3", up to and including 6'4"(193cm) - Up to and including 245 lbs(less then 111kg)
  5. Over 6'4", up to and including 6'5"(196cm) - Up to and including 252 lbs(less then 114kg)
  6. Over 6'5", up to and including 6'6"(198cm) - Up to and including 260 lbs(less then 118kg)
  7. Over 6'6", up to and including 6'7"(201cm) - Up to and including 267 lbs(less then 121kg)
  8. Over 6'7"(201cm) - Up to and including 275 lbs(less then 125kg)
ルール IFBB Pro League Pro Qualifier Rules
  • コンテストごとに対応カラーリング業者の指定が異なります。指定外のカラーリング業者でカラーリングした場合は失格となります。
  • カラーリング施術した場合、カラーリング業者からのカラーリング証明書を受け取り、コンテスト当日提出する義務があります。
  • 各サロンでスプレータンニングをし、シャワーで洗い流してから発色する液体なので、必ずシャワーで皮膚に浸透しなかった液体を洗い流してから会場入りしてください。当日汗でカラーが落ちる原因となります。自身で塗るカラー・オイルは絶対禁止(ワセリンを主成分とする商品も禁止)。
  • 会場内で待機する際は、素肌で床に座ったり(お尻をついたり)、壁に手を着かないようにしてください。施設の汚れの原因となります。汚れがひどい場合はクリーニング代を請求させていただく場合があります。




Official Hotel

  • カテゴリー・ルールに関して
  • バックステージパスに関して
  • 全大会ダンベルの持ち込みは禁止となります。
  • 館内での飲食はご遠慮ください。
  • ゴミは各自お持ち帰り下さい。
  • 無許可での館内での商業行為は固く禁止します。
  • コンテスト運営を妨げる行為や、スポーツマンシップを逸脱した行為など、発見次第退場処分とさせていただく場合がございます。
  • 貴重品等の取扱いには十分お気を付け下さい。盗難や紛失、破損等があった際の一切の責任は負いかねます。
  • 出場登録や観戦チケットご購入後のキャンセル・返金・変更(カテゴリー及びクラス)は一切出来ません。登録間違いも同様となります。ご登録の際は慎重にお願い致します。

November 16th - 17th
open:10:00 a.m.
Start:10:30 a.m.

Bellesalle Shibuya Garden
16-17 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo





To athletes participating in Olympia Amateur Japan.

As a result of notifications from the IFBB PRO League, athletes from following countries must bring a certificate of participation in the regional contests from each promoter in that country:Brazil, Canada, Italy, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom.

If you cannot bring your own, you will not be able to participate. Also, even if you cannot participate for personal reasons, you will not be able to refund the registration fee.

  • 11/16-17タイムテーブル/Timetable
  • 前売り観戦チケット販売は終了致しました。
  • 選手受付(チェックイン)は、会場ベルサール渋谷ガーデン1Fにて全て11月15日(金)15:00~20:00 に行います。(16日・17日の受付は行いません)
  • 11月15日には、Japan Pro に出場する IFBB Pro が一堂に集結する「MEET THE JAPAN PRO」19:00~20:00 開催。選手の方は無料入場頂けます。
  • バックステージパスは15日選手受付時にご購入ください。(10,000円/枚)別途サポートの方は観戦チケットを事前ご購入ください。サポートの方は同席せず選手のみでOKです。(サポートの方の名前等は必要となります)
  • こちらのコンテストは、NPCJカード情報には反映されません。
  • Olympia Amateur Japan に出場するには出場条件があります。
    IFBB Pro League Pro Qualifier Rules
  • ノービス&マスターズカテゴリーのみ出場条件はありません(リージョナルに出場していない選手でも出場は可となります)
  • 18 Pro Cards:各カテゴリー オーバーオール TOP3IFBB Pro Card 発行。
  • ※ご購入後のバックステージパス、観戦チケットはキャンセル、返金、返品は出来ません。
Date November 16th - 17th
Open 10:00 a.m.
Start 10:30 a.m.
Place Bellesalle Shibuya Garden
16-17 Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Map

Seating chart・Price List

Contest classification Olympia Amateur
  • 日本在住、在日の方は、2019年 Regional Show(NPCJコンテスト) に出場していること(Regional Show での成績は不問。※5月18日開催の Hidetada Yamagishi, Iris Kyle Japan Classic は、Regional Show ではありません。)

November 15th

all Athlete Registration "Only Nov. 15th" 3:00 p.m ~ 8:00 p.m

November 16th

Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to and including 5'2”(less then 157cm)
Open Class B Over 5'2” and up to and including 5'4”(less then 163cm)
Open Class C Over 5'4” and up to and including 5'6”(less then 168cm)
Open Class D Over 5'6”(over 168cm)
Men's Physique
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to & including 5'7”(less then 170cm)
Open Class B Over 5'7” and up to and including 5'8”(less then 173cm)
Open Class C Over 5'8” and up to and including 5'9”(less then 175cm)
Open Class D Over 5'9” and up to and including 5'11”(less then 180cm)
Open Class E Over 5'11” and up to and including 6'(less then 183cm)
Open Class F Over 6'(over 183cm)
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Bantamweight up to and including 154 ¼ lbs(70kg)
Open Lightweight over 154 ¼ lbs(70kg) up to and including 176 ¼ lbs(less then 80kg)
Open Light-Heavyweight over 176 ¼ lbs(80kg) up to and including 198 ¼ lbs(less then 90kg)
Open Heavyweight over 198 ¼ lbs(over 90kg)

November 17th

Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to and including 5'2”(less then 157cm)
Open Class B Over 5'2” and up to and including 5'4”(less then 163cm)
Open Class C Over 5'4” and up to and including 5'6”(less then 168cm)
Open Class D Over 5'6”(over then 168cm)
Women's Physique
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A Up to & including 5'2"(less then 157cm)
Open Class B Over 5'2" and up to and including 5'4"(less then 163cm)
Open Class C Over 5'4" and up to and including 5'6"(less then 168cm)
Open Class D Over 5'6"(over then 168cm)
Classic Physique
Novice Novice is No pro qualifier class
Masters Over 40 Masters is No pro qualifier class
Open Class A
  1. Up to and including 5'4"(163cm) - Up to and including 160 lbs(less then 73kg)
  2. Over 5'4", up to and including 5'5"(165cm) - Up to and including 165 lbs(less then 75kg)
  3. Over 5'5", up to and including 5'6"(168cm) - Up to and including 170 lbs(less then 77kg)
  4. Over 5'6", up to and including 5'7"(170cm) - Up to and including 175 lbs(less then 79kg)
Open Class B
  1. Over 5'7", up to and including 5'8"(173cm) - Up to and including 182 lbs(less then 83kg)
  2. Over 5'8", up to and including 5'9"(175cm) - Up to and including 190 lbs(less then 86kg)
  3. Over 5'9", up to and including 5'10"(178cm) - Up to and including 197 lbs(less then 89kg)
Open Class C
  1. Over 5'10", up to and including 5'11"(180cm) - Up to and including 205 lbs(less then 93kg)
  2. Over 5'11", up to and including 6'0"(183cm) - Up to and including 212 lbs(less then 96kg)
Open Class D
  1. Over 6'0", up to and including 6'1"(185cm) - Up to and including 220 lbs(less then 100kg)
  2. Over 6'1", up to and including 6'2"(188cm) - Up to and including 230 lbs(less then 104kg)
  3. Over 6'2", up to and including 6'3"(191cm) - Up to and including 237 lbs(less then 108kg)
  4. Over 6'3", up to and including 6'4"(193cm) - Up to and including 245 lbs(less then 111kg)
  5. Over 6'4", up to and including 6'5"(196cm) - Up to and including 252 lbs(less then 114kg)
  6. Over 6'5", up to and including 6'6"(198cm) - Up to and including 260 lbs(less then 118kg)
  7. Over 6'6", up to and including 6'7"(201cm) - Up to and including 267 lbs(less then 121kg)
  8. Over 6'7"(201cm) - Up to and including 275 lbs(less then 125kg)
Rules IFBB Pro League Pro Qualifier Rules

We will inform you as soon as it is decided.

Tanning lotion and Oils
    • Coloring will be done after the competitor check-in on Friday, November 15th.
    • Competition Tanning "ProTan®";
    • Advance reservations are not accepted at each store.
    • We can accept even on the day of the contest.


    • 1 applications:18,000 yen
    • 2 applications:23,000 yen
    • 3 applications:27,000 yen


    • Bellesalle Shibuya Garden 1F

    Contact information


For reservations and inquiries, please contact the makeup vendor.


makeup vendor

For reservations and inquiries, please contact the makeup vendor.

Official Hotel

Official Hotel

  • About Backstage Pass
  • About contest shooting
  • Bringing in of a dumbbell is prohibited.
  • Do not get the venue dirty.
  • Do not throw away garbage on the day at the venue.
  • Please handle with careful handling of valuables etc.
  • In case of theft, loss, damage, etc., we can not assume any responsibility.