Fitness World Japan

Pro Show 2022 - Tokyo

IFBB Professional League × FWJ
LÝFT Presents Japan Pro

2022年11月13日 [ 日 ]
open:10:00 a.m.予定
start:17:00 a.m.予定
選手集合 16:00 p.m.予定

イベントホール Map



  • メディアの方へ:コンテスト撮影に関して
  • コンテストメインスポンサー『LYFT』
  • 会場は日本最大級の劇場型ホール『東京ガーデンシアター』
  • 観戦チケットはチケットぴあから発売中!!全区分当日券販売致します!!
  • 座席区分
    ※観戦チケットにはEXPO入場券&JAPAN PRO観戦チケットが含まれております
  • ■EXPO入場券(観客席には入れません)11/13:1,000円(各日)
  • ご自身のゴミは各自お持ち帰りください。
  • Tickets for the contest are now on sale from Ticket Pia.
    Advance sales of VIP and SS seats have ended. Same-day tickets will be available.
  • ■11/13 (Sun.)
    Ticket includes admission to the EXPO and JAPAN PRO
    Front row area/VIP seats (common ticket for 11-12): ¥100,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    Arena seats front row/SS seats (reserved seats): ¥35,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    Rear of arena seats/S seats (unreserved seats): ¥22,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    3rd floor seats (unreserved): ¥12,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    4th floor seats (unreserved): ¥7,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
  • ■Expo ticket (not available for spectator seating)
    11/12 & 11/13: ¥1,000 (each day)
  • Please take your own trash with you.
  • ~Notice to Professional competitors~
  • Effective October 11, 2022, regulations regarding entry into Japan have been relaxed.
    For more information, please refer to the following website.
    In addition, the EFRS, which was previously required, is no longer necessary.
    Please check the above and contact us at「」 if you need a VISA.
    Please be punctual for the check-in on the 11th and the assembly of athletes on the 13th, the day of the contest.
  • ~Athlet registration & Contest Schedule~
    ■Athlet registration
    November 11th
    Location:Tokyo Garden Theater
    5:00 p.m.:check-in & Weigh-in(212) & Athlete meeting

    ■Contest Schedule
    November 13th
    Location:Tokyo Garden Theater
    3:30 p.m.:Pro Athlete meet up in back stage
    5:00 p.m.:Japan Pro Opening Ceremony
    5:25 p.m.
    ・Bikini:Posing routine / Judging
    ・Men’s Physique:Posing routine / Judging
    ・Bodybuilding 212:Posing routine / Judging
    7:00 p.m.:Break
    7:30 p.m.:Finals (Confirmation Round) and Awards Ceremony
    8:30 p.m.:Closing

  • ■Tanning lotion and Oils
    Regarding coloring, official coloring will be set up at the venue. Coloring service will be provided by Vogue. The coloring will take place on the 4th floor of the same venue. For reservations, please contact Vogue directly.
    Vogue official Web
    Vogue Instagram
  • ■Remarks
    The Tokyo Garden Theater, where Japan Pro will be held, will be hosting Olympia Amateur Japan all day Saturday the 12th and until early afternoon Sunday the 13th, as well as the Fitness Expo on both days, so there will be a lot of people coming and going. Please be sure to leave plenty of time for this event. Please allow yourself plenty of time to get around.
    Athlete numbers will be handed out at the pro-meeting on the 11th. Please do not lose it.
    The contest will be held in the order of “Bikini”, “Men’s Physique” and “Bodybuilding 212”, all in the order of “free posing routine” and “comparison”.
    Each person has one minute for free poses (posing routine) (maximum 2 minutes for Bodybuilding 212).
    One “backstage support person” and one “spectator ticket A seat” are included free of charge for each participating pro athletes.
    The backstage support neck strap and wristband, and the spectator ticket and wristband will be handed out at the pro-meeting on Friday the 11th. Please do not lose them.
    One backstage support person can be either a pump-up support person or a photographer. If you wish to add an additional backstage support person, you may do so by paying 15,000 yen (tax included) in cash at check-in on the 11th (maximum of 2 persons backstage).
    If you wish to take photographs with a single-lens reflex camera or other camera, you must apply in advance for a photography permit, which will be released at a later date. For photography in the hall, please follow the photography guidelines, which will be uploaded at a later date, and take photos from designated areas.
    Please be punctual for the check-in on the 11th and the assembly of athletes on the 13th, the day of the contest.
    Do not get the venue dirty.
    Do not throw away garbage on the day at the venue.
    Please handle with careful handling of valuables etc.
    In case of theft, loss, damage, etc., we can not assume any responsibility.
    For JAPAN PRO Prize Money
    Payment will be made by bank transfer or Paypal at a later date.
開催日時 2022年11月13日 [ 日 ]
開場時間 10:00 a.m.予定
開催時間 17:00 a.m.予定
終了時間 20:30 p.m.予定
選手集合時間 16:00 p.m.予定
会場 東京ガーデンシアター イベントホール
東京都江東区有明2丁目1-6 Map
  • 座席区分
  • 11月13日(日)料金(全席EXPO入場券付)
  • アリーナ VIP席(11/12-13 共通券 指定席)¥100,000(記念品付)
  • アリーナ SS席(指定席)¥35,000
  • アリーナ S席(自由席)¥22,000
  • 3階席(自由席)¥12,000
  • 4階席(自由席)¥7,000
  • EXPOのみ入場券 ¥1,000
コンテスト区分 Pro Show
  • Bikini
  • Men's Physique
  • Bodybuilding 212


  • カテゴリー・ルールに関して
  • バックステージパスに関して
  • 全大会ダンベルの持ち込みは禁止となります。
  • 館内での飲食はご遠慮ください。
  • ゴミは各自お持ち帰り下さい。
  • 無許可での館内での商業行為は固く禁止します。
  • コンテスト運営を妨げる行為や、スポーツマンシップを逸脱した行為など、発見次第退場処分とさせていただく場合がございます。
  • 貴重品等の取扱いには十分お気を付け下さい。盗難や紛失、破損等があった際の一切の責任は負いかねます。
  • 出場登録や観戦チケットご購入後のキャンセル・返金・変更(カテゴリー及びクラス)は一切出来ません。登録間違いも同様となります。ご登録の際は慎重にお願い致します。

Sun. November 13th, 2022
open:10:00 a.m.予定
Start:17:00 a.m.予定

Tokyo Garden Theater
event hall
2 Chome-1-6 Ariake, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0063





  • メディアの方へ:コンテスト撮影に関して
  • コンテストメインスポンサー『LYFT』
  • 会場は日本最大級の劇場型ホール『東京ガーデンシアター』
  • 観戦チケットはチケットぴあから発売中!!全区分当日券販売致します!!
  • 座席区分
    ※観戦チケットにはEXPO入場券&JAPAN PRO観戦チケットが含まれております
  • ■EXPO入場券(観客席には入れません)11/13:1,000円(各日)
  • ご自身のゴミは各自お持ち帰りください。
  • Tickets for the contest are now on sale from Ticket Pia.
    Advance sales of VIP and SS seats have ended. Same-day tickets will be available.
  • ■11/13 (Sun.)
    Ticket includes admission to the EXPO and JAPAN PRO
    Front row area/VIP seats (common ticket for 11-12): ¥100,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    Arena seats front row/SS seats (reserved seats): ¥35,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    Rear of arena seats/S seats (unreserved seats): ¥22,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    3rd floor seats (unreserved): ¥12,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
    4th floor seats (unreserved): ¥7,000(Tickets will be sold on the day of the event.)
  • ■Expo ticket (not available for spectator seating)
    11/12 & 11/13: ¥1,000 (each day)
  • Please take your own trash with you.
  • ~Notice to Professional competitors~
  • Effective October 11, 2022, regulations regarding entry into Japan have been relaxed.
    For more information, please refer to the following website.
    In addition, the EFRS, which was previously required, is no longer necessary.
    Please check the above and contact us at「」 if you need a VISA.
    Please be punctual for the check-in on the 11th and the assembly of athletes on the 13th, the day of the contest.
  • ~Athlet registration & Contest Schedule~
    ■Athlet registration
    November 11th
    Location:Tokyo Garden Theater
    5:00 p.m.:check-in & Weigh-in(212) & Athlete meeting

    ■Contest Schedule
    November 13th
    Location:Tokyo Garden Theater
    3:30 p.m.:Pro Athlete meet up in back stage
    5:00 p.m.:Japan Pro Opening Ceremony
    5:25 p.m.
    ・Bikini:Posing routine / Judging
    ・Men’s Physique:Posing routine / Judging
    ・Bodybuilding 212:Posing routine / Judging
    7:00 p.m.:Break
    7:30 p.m.:Finals (Confirmation Round) and Awards Ceremony
    8:30 p.m.:Closing

  • ■Tanning lotion and Oils
    Regarding coloring, official coloring will be set up at the venue. Coloring service will be provided by Vogue. The coloring will take place on the 4th floor of the same venue. For reservations, please contact Vogue directly.
    Vogue official Web
    Vogue Instagram
  • ■Remarks
    The Tokyo Garden Theater, where Japan Pro will be held, will be hosting Olympia Amateur Japan all day Saturday the 12th and until early afternoon Sunday the 13th, as well as the Fitness Expo on both days, so there will be a lot of people coming and going. Please be sure to leave plenty of time for this event. Please allow yourself plenty of time to get around.
    Athlete numbers will be handed out at the pro-meeting on the 11th. Please do not lose it.
    The contest will be held in the order of “Bikini”, “Men’s Physique” and “Bodybuilding 212”, all in the order of “free posing routine” and “comparison”.
    Each person has one minute for free poses (posing routine) (maximum 2 minutes for Bodybuilding 212).
    One “backstage support person” and one “spectator ticket A seat” are included free of charge for each participating pro athletes.
    The backstage support neck strap and wristband, and the spectator ticket and wristband will be handed out at the pro-meeting on Friday the 11th. Please do not lose them.
    One backstage support person can be either a pump-up support person or a photographer. If you wish to add an additional backstage support person, you may do so by paying 15,000 yen (tax included) in cash at check-in on the 11th (maximum of 2 persons backstage).
    If you wish to take photographs with a single-lens reflex camera or other camera, you must apply in advance for a photography permit, which will be released at a later date. For photography in the hall, please follow the photography guidelines, which will be uploaded at a later date, and take photos from designated areas.
    Please be punctual for the check-in on the 11th and the assembly of athletes on the 13th, the day of the contest.
    Do not get the venue dirty.
    Do not throw away garbage on the day at the venue.
    Please handle with careful handling of valuables etc.
    In case of theft, loss, damage, etc., we can not assume any responsibility.
    For JAPAN PRO Prize Money
    Payment will be made by bank transfer or Paypal at a later date.
Date Sun. November 13th, 2022
Open 10:00 a.m.予定
Start 17:00 a.m.予定
Close 20:30 p.m.予定
Athlete Meeting 16:00 p.m.予定
Place Tokyo Garden Theater event hall
2 Chome-1-6 Ariake, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0063 Map
Contest classification Pro Show
  • Bikini
  • Men's Physique
  • Bodybuilding 212

For reservations and inquiries, please contact the makeup vendor.


makeup vendor

  • About Backstage Pass
  • About contest shooting
  • Bringing in of a dumbbell is prohibited.
  • Do not get the venue dirty.
  • Do not throw away garbage on the day at the venue.
  • Please handle with careful handling of valuables etc.
  • In case of theft, loss, damage, etc., we can not assume any responsibility.